Mitzvot and the Path to Human Flourishing
Date: Dec 14, 2020 - Dec 14, 2020
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Sponsor: Online Learning
Location: Online
Category: Online Learning
Living a Life of Meaning
Mitzvot and the Path to Human Flourishing
Monday, December 14, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
The medieval decisor and philosopher Moses Maimonides claimed that the mitzvot (commandments) are a divine law. By this, he meant not only that the mitzvot originate with God, but that they were a medium by which people could flourish both politically and personally—which for Maimonides meant the attainment of intellectual comprehension.
This session will explore the significance of Maimonides’ view and how two modern Jewish thinkers, Mordecai Kaplan and Eliezer Berkovits, built on Maimonides’ ideas to develop their own understandings of how observance of the mitzvot can advance human growth and the attainment of perfection.
With Dr. Yonatan Brafman, Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought and Ethics; Director of the MA Program in Jewish Ethics, JTS.
Note: The Zoom link for this session will be in the confirmation email that you will receive after you register.