For those who would like to take their Hebrew language skills to the next level, JTS offers a high-quality, intensive Hebrew language program during the summer. Ten-week sessions are offered on three elementary levels; five-week sessions are offered at intermediate and advanced levels. Most courses are offered both on Zoom and in person on the JTS campus.

All incoming students take the Hebrew Placement Exam to be placed in the appropriate course.

Hebrew Courses are offered during Session II and Session III of JTS’s Summer Sessions. Students in our JTS Beit Midrash Summer Program may also take Hebrew.

Who It’s For

Summer Hebrew courses are for anyone who’s interested in improving their Hebrew language skills. The program is particularly useful for undergraduate and graduate students working toward fulfillment of their Hebrew language requirement, as well as for prospective Rabbinical School and Cantorial School students who are working toward achieving the prerequisite Hebrew language proficiency level for their program.

What It Is 

The summer Hebrew courses are the same courses those offered at JTS during the academic year. The goal of the Hebrew program at JTS is for  students to attain proficiency in all aspects of the language—reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension—and to develop the ability to independently read and comprehend Hebrew texts of all periods and genres, from Biblical to modern. Since ancient Hebrew is the foundation of modern Hebrew, and since the Hebrew language has continued to evolve throughout the generations, we teach modern Hebrew with the goal of giving students the language tools they need to become independent readers of texts from all periods of Hebrew. More pre-modern and ancient texts are incorporated as levels progress. 

Course materials include textbooks published by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, supplemented with classical grammar materials and a diverse selection of readings from a variety of Hebrew texts.


Elementary Level Alef: Summer Sessions II and III

Note: The following courses run through both Sessions II and III (ten weeks), June 4–August 7.
Enrollment Deadline:
Thursday, May 22, 2025

HEB 5001Z: Alef 1 (6 credits)
[MTWR 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET on Zoom]
The course covers the seven Introductory Units and Lessons 1–8 of Hebrew from Scratch, Vol. 1 (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala alef). It takes the student from learning the mechanics of reading and writing unpointed Hebrew to active mastery of 500 words; knowledge of the present tense and infinitive verb forms; reading and enactment of dialogues relating to everyday life; and reading comprehension of short descriptive, narrative, and informative texts. Additional course materials, daily assignments, and unit tests will be delivered and submitted via Canvas.

Please Note:

  • Enrollment Deadline: Thursday, May 22, 2025
  • Mandatory Online Reading Assessment: A prerequisite for enrolling is basic knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet, reading printed text with and without vowels, and writing in script. A mandatory online reading test that assesses these skills should be taken by each student by May 26, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. ET.
  • Prerequisite Basic Reading Course May 27-29: Students who do not pass the reading test must enroll in the online Basic Reading course, which will be offered Tuesday May 27 through Thursday May 29, at 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET, on Zoom. At the end of this course, participants will retake the online reading assessment (deadline for submission May 30, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. ET). Only students who pass the reading test will be able to participate in HEB 5001.

HEB 5101Z: Alef 2 (6 credits)
[MTWR 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET on Zoom]
This course, a direct continuation of Alef 1, brings students near the end of the first volume of Hebrew from Scratch A (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala alef) with the same emphasis on reading comprehension, as well as the development of communication skills. Students will continue to expand their vocabulary and learn–among other basic language forms–the past tense. Additional readings will be assigned from the folktale anthology Sipur ve-od sipur.

HEB 5101Z: Alef 2 (6 credits)
[MTWR 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET in person on the JTS campus]
This course, a direct continuation of Alef 1, brings students near the end of the first volume of Hebrew from Scratch A (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala alef) with the same emphasis on reading comprehension, as well as the development of communication skills. Students will continue to expand their vocabulary and learn–among other basic language forms–the past tense. Additional readings will be assigned from the folktale anthology Sipur ve-od sipur.

HEB 5103Z: Alef 3 (6 credits)
[MTWR 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET in person on the JTS campus]
This course is designed to seamlessly follow Heb 1101 by building on comprehension and oral-aural skills previously acquired, and continue to develop vocabulary and grammar skills (including the future tense of verbs). The two volumes of Hebrew From Scratch (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala) are used as textbooks, supplemented by additional readings from a diversity of sources.

Intermediate and Advanced Levels: Summer Session II

Tuesday, June 4, 2025—Thursday, July 3, 2025
Enrollment Deadline: Thursday, May 22, 2025

HEB 5201Z: Bet 1 (3 credits)
[MTWR 2:00–5:00 p.m. ET on Zoom]
This course continues with the second volume of Hebrew from Scratch (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala bet). Students will continue to expand their vocabulary and advance their reading, writing, and conversational skills through reading and discussing additional texts of a variety of periods and genres (e.g., adapted stories, poems, selections from parashat hashavua, midrash, and biblical commentary). In grammar, the study of the future tense and major prepositions begun in the previous semester will be concluded, and new topics in syntax and the verb system will be introduced.

HEB 5201Z: Bet 1 (3 credits)
[MTWR 2:00–5:00 p.m. ET in person on the JTS campus]
This course continues with the second volume of Hebrew from Scratch (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala bet). Students will continue to expand their vocabulary and advance their reading, writing, and conversational skills through reading and discussing additional texts of a variety of periods and genres (e.g., adapted stories, poems, selections from parashat hashavua, midrash, and biblical commentary). In grammar, the study of the future tense and major prepositions begun in the previous semester will be concluded, and new topics in syntax and the verb system will be introduced.

Miriam Meir
[MTWR 2:00pm –5:00 p.m. ET on Zoom]
This advanced-level Hebrew language course aims to further develop Hebrew comprehension, conversation, reading and writing skills. Readings include Hebrew texts of diverse genres, registers and periods, including classical texts, around the Biblical stories of David and Jonathan. Grammatical topics include a systematic integrated study of the binyanim system and a variety of advanced topics in syntax.


Monday, July 7–Thursday, August 7
Enrollment Deadline: Tuesday, July 1, 2025

HEB 5203Z: Bet 2 (3 credits)
[MTWR 2:00-4:45 p.m. ET on Zoom]
This high intermediate-level course will bring students to the end of Hebrew from Scratch II (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala bet), supplementing the textbook with materials from level gimel books and other readings in Hebrew from various periods (e.g., adapted stories, poems, selections from parashat hashavua, midrash, and biblical commentary). Students will learn new grammar topics, develop strategies for reading comprehension and word recognition, and practice conveying ideas and opinions in both speech and writing.

HEB 5203: Bet 2 (3 credits)
[MTWR 2:00-4:45 p.m. ET in person on the JTS campus]
This intermediate-level course will bring students to the end of Hebrew from Scratch II (Ivrit min ha-hatḥala bet), supplementing the textbook with materials from level gimel books and other readings in Hebrew from various periods (e.g., adapted stories, poems, selections from parashat hashavua, midrash, and biblical commentary). Students will learn new grammar topics, develop strategies for reading comprehension and word recognition, and practice conveying ideas and opinions in both speech and writing.

Miriam Meir

[MTWR 2:00pm–4:45 p.m. ET on Zoom]
This advanced-level Hebrew language course aims to further develop Hebrew comprehension, conversation, reading and writing skills. Readings include Hebrew texts of diverse genres, registers and periods, including classical texts. Each week will be devoted to a biblical story and its transformations in Hebrew literature throughout the ages. Grammatical topics include a systematic integrated study of the binyanim system and a variety of advanced topics in syntax.

Non-Credit Learning

The Summer Learners program offers access to our summer intensive Hebrew courses. Through the JTS Summer Learners program, you can enroll in any Hebrew courses on a non-credit basis. Students enrolled in Hebrew language courses through the Summer Learners program must meet all the course requirements (attendance, assignments, quizzes, etc.), regardless of whether they take the course for credit

For Summer Learners students, the cost is: $630 for a 3-credit course and $1,260 for a 6-credit course.

Registration and Fees

For JTS Students

  • Current JTS students may register online by going to MyJTS.
  • The application fee must be submitted in full before your application form can be processed.

For All Other Students

  • If you intend to take the course for academic credit, submit an official copy of a transcript indicating either a degree and the year earned or your current educational status.
  • The application fee must be submitted in full before your application form can be processed.

Tuition Charges

Type of CourseStudent CategoriesPer Course
6-credit Hebrew courseAll JTS Students$5,976
6-credit Hebrew courseNon-JTS Students$6,270
3-credit Hebrew courseAll JTS and non-JTS Students$4,695
3-credit course for AuditSummer Learners$648
6-credit course for AuditSummer Learners$1,296

Registration Fees

Registration Fee$50 per session
Student Activities Fee$40 per session
Application Fee (Non-JTS Students only)$60

Rates are subject to change.

Contact Us 

For more information and any questions about the summer Hebrew program, and to request to take the Hebrew Placement Exam, please contact us at