Telling the Story
The central portion of the Haggadah is Maggid, where the story of the Exodus is presented, providing the broad scope of the story–from wanderings to slavery to freedom.
The Telling (David Hoffman): Finding personal context in the maggid verses from Deuteronomy
The Meaning of Pesah (Matthew Berkowitz): The importance of compassion in the haggadah
Empathy for the Other (Ismar Schorsch): “Hatred for past injustices did not overwhelm the pages of the Haggadah, obliterating all other values and sentiments.”
New American Haggadah
with Jonathan Safran Foer
Up All Night
with Dr. Judith Hauptman
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Retelling Your Story
with Dr. David C. Kraemer
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Beyond The Four Questions:
Creating Fun and Meaningful Seders for Children
with Deborah Miller
Find more sources for all ages here.
Singing the Seder
with Cantor Nancy Abramson
Includes a traditional Mah Nishtana melody and Pesah Kiddush melody
Between Words and Pictures: Medieval Illuminated Haggadot from the JTS Library
with Dr. Mordecai Schwartz