The Wholeness of a Broken Heart

By :  Mychal Springer Adjunct Instructor of Professional and Pastoral Skills Posted On Nov 23, 2020 / 5780 | Living a Life of Meaning Monday Webinar

Part of the series, Living a Life of Meaning

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Life’s challenges raise up the reality of human vulnerability. Too often, people experience the heartbreak of suffering. In this session we will explore the paradoxical teaching of the Kotzker Rebbe that “there is nothing more whole than a broken heart.”   

With Rabbi Mychal Springer, Manager of Clinical Pastoral Education at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City and Adjunct Professor, JTS. 


The disruption to our normal life, and for many, close encounters with mortality, provides an opportunity to evaluate what is truly important in our lives. Guided by JTS faculty and fellows we discuss the role of values, ethics, and Torah in the quest for a well-lived life.

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