Counting the Omer

| Shavuot

Starting with the evening of the Second Seder, we count the days between Pesah and Shavuot. These fifty days can be an opportunity for personal reflection and revelation.


Counting the Moments (Shuly Rubin Schwartz): “The celebration of Shavuot was embedded in temporal ambiguity. Jews could strive for the moment when they would commemorate receiving the Torah”

Uncertainty and the Omer (Matt Berkowitz): Why is counting the omer connected with mourning and sorrow?

The Laws of Sefirah and Shavuot (Isaac Klein, A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice): Historical and halakhic examination of the omer and the holiday of Shavuot


Overcoming Sleep
with Jeremy Tabick with Leora Perkins
Preparing for Tikkun Leil Shavuot, all night study sessions associated with the holiday

The Omer: Counting and Community
with Eliezer Diamond

Counting the Omer
with Jan Uhrbach

50 Ways to Leave Mitzrayim
with Jan Uhrbach

Counting to 50: The Omer, the Jubilee, and the Magic of Jewish Numbers
with David Kraemer

The Omer
with Naomi Kalish
The wisdom we gain through the quantitative process of counting the omer

2024 Tekes Hasmakah
by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen
In this charge to new JTS graduates, Rabbi Cohen explores the cycle of the omer and the vulnerability that we feel.

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