Rosh Hashanah Liturgy
Let the New Year and Its Blessings Begin (Rabbi Ayelet Cohen): Exploring the Sephardic piyyut Ahot Ketana and its placement at the beginning of the Rosh Hashana service
Lacking Praise (Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz): Why is Hallel absent from the Rosh Hashanah liturgy
The Value of Doubt (Rabbi Julia Andelman): Vekhol Ma’aminim, the conflict between belief and doubt
Choosing to Choose (Rabbi Jan Uhrbach): “Hayom Harat Olam” and the value of creation
Safe in God’s Memory (Rabbi Mychal Springer): The Rosh Hashanah Amidah and God’s memory
Zichronot (Memories) (Rabbi Samuel Barth): A contemplative approach to the Zichronot service
Selections from Rosh Hashanah Musaf
Nusah Presentation
Max Silverstone (CS ‘ 24)
Program Notes
Our Effect on Eternity
The Shofar Service
with Dr. Anne Lapidus Lerner
Approaching the King
with Cantor Nancy Abramson
God of Mercy, God of Justice
Avinu Malkenu
with Rabbi Daniel Nevins
Conquering Our Anger
Leil Orekh Din
with Rabbi Julia Andelman
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Bridging Dust and Divinity in the Days of Awe:
Unpacking the Unetaneh Tokef Prayer
with Rabbi Mychal Springer
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