“Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text and Tradition  

By :  The Jewish Theological Seminary Posted On Oct 23, 2023 / 5784 | Friendship in Jewish Text and Tradition Monday Webinar


Mondays, October 23 – December 11, 2024

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Friendship is a critical component of our daily lives, our mental health, and our Jewish communal experiences. Ecclesiastes (4:9) posits, “Two are better than one,” underscoring the significance of companionship and partnership in Jewish tradition and the role they play in a life well-lived. In this series, JTS scholars explore the concept of friendship through Jewish texts, history, and thought. They consider friendship in times of joy and times of crisis, both with those in our inner circles and with our neighbors and fellow citizens more broadly. They also offer several important paradigms for friendship and discuss the values we can distill from these models of friendship. 

A Friendship in the Ghetto, the Forest and Beyond: The Story of Two Yiddish Poets During the Holocaust
with Dr. David Fishman
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Across the Atlantic:
Lifesaving Friendships during the Holocaust  
with Dr. Edna Friedberg
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Be My Galentine?
Female Friendship in the Hebrew Bible
with Dr. Yael Landman
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Friendship and Interfaith Engagement 
with Dr. Benedicte Sere
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Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
A Talmudic Teaching
with Dr. Aaron Koller
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Friendship During Crisis:
Learning from the Book of Job  
with Rabbi Mychal Springer
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Paradigms of Friendship:
What Philosophers and Rabbis can Teach Us
with Rabbi Eliezer Diamond
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Civic Friendship in Times of Crisis and War: Jewish Thought, Political Theory, and the Story of Hanukkah
with Dr. Shira Billet
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George Goldberg

Berna and Bill Haberman
Rabbi Sherre Hirsch
Rona Solberg
Israel of Albany

Ilene Penn
Nancy Concool


Marion Adler
Edward Bromberg
Rich and Treasure Cohen
Kenneth Firestein
George Goldberg
Howard Graybow

Beverly Magidson
Ana Patricia Meono Picado
Harriet Merkowitz
Anne Schwartz
Leah Steinberg
Ann Marie Wagstaff


Ilene and Irwin Davison
Robert Barkin
Susan Boer
Nancy Fink
Barbara Hoffman
Toby Holtzman
Geraldine Livengood

Sharon Polack
Helen Rifkind
Elaine Ruback
Karel Rubinstein
Elkan Siegal
Alan Wilensky
Bernard Horowitz


Mark Bender
Sally Brown-Winter
Wendy Czarnecki
Toni Davis
Jilana Dellal
Dianne Denenberg
Sue Dickman
Charles Ehrlich
Jonathan Gellman
Myrna Goldman
Alison and Tom Greengard
Katherine Haspel
Bernard Horowitz
Ann Hurwitz

Deborah Johnson
Elaine Kahn
Faye Kimerling
Bernard King-Smith
Edith Kliman
emily labaton
Ivy Lapides
Joan Levine
Kay Magilavy
Marco Obando
Nancy Passow
Jerilynn Payne
Jerry Pitkowsky
Judy and Steven Richman

Mira Rivera
Rhonna and Brian Rogol
Sydell Roth
Faith Rubin
Arthur Shalman
Libby Spitzer
Gary Starr
Stephen Tobias
Charlene Visconti
Alan Wilensky
Michael Yoeli
Sam Znaimer
Laura Zoller

Additional Donors

Ida Alpert
Lynne Besen
Lenore Bohm
Jacqueline Brickel
Jacob Brickman
Benjamin Brown
Roslyn Bryan
Susan Charney
David Cooper
Amy Davidow
Gerald Erenberg
Steven Exler
Yehudi Felman
Janet Friedman
Paul Friedman
Phyllis Gorin
Debra Greenberg
David Grotell
Barbara Hirsh

Ginger & Elisha Ignatoff
Stephen Isaacson
Harriet Katz
George Klas
Arlene Kleinstein
Joan Krauss
Neil Mayer
Sander Mendelson
Albert Miller
Marilyn Oser
Alice Pasternack
Stephen Parkoff
Lisa Peckler
Eliza Penn
Miriam Pyle
Ethel Raim
Renee Ravich
Harriet Riss
Ruth Rohn

Barbara Rosen
Zeva Shapiro
Jeffrey Shender
Pamela Sherrid
Jay Shuster
Marjorie Simon
Muriel Simon
Laura Smith
Randee Rappoport-Solomon
Sharon Steinberg
Esther Stern-Bloom
Robert Stone
Howard Stopeck
Adrian Strizhak
Joseph Thaler
David Wade
Claire Walford
Lorna Wallach Kalet
Janis Zaremba