A Queen in the Tomb of the Kings: An Ancient Monument and its Modern Legacy

By :  Sarit Kattan Gribetz JTS fellow and assistant professor of Classical Judaism, Fordham University Posted On Mar 4, 2024 / 5784 | Monday Webinar Timely Insight, Timeless Wisdom

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With Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz, JTS Fellow and Associate Professor of Classical Judaism, Fordham University

According to the first-century Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, Queen Helena of Adiabene traveled from her kingdom in northern Mesopotamia to Jerusalem to worship the Jewish God in the temple. She ended up staying in the city, building a palace in the south and a monumental family tomb to the north. This queen was not forgotten: she appears in early Christian writings and rabbinic literature, she stars in medieval Jewish-Christian polemics, and there is a street named after her in contemporary Jerusalem.

But what happened to the tomb she built and how did it become the Tomb of the Kings? This session examines the history of this tomb from antiquity to the present day, when the tomb became a popular pilgrimage stop, the city’s first archaeological excavation, a tourist destination, a site for diplomatic visits, and a contested space in the heart of a contested city—and how it fits into the history and legacy of Queen Helena of Adiabene.


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