Capstone Project

Part of the JTS Certificate in Biblical Hebrew

After completing the four-course sequence, participants are encouraged to apply their biblical grammar knowledge and skills to a section of Tanakh and develop an original translation.  There is no cost to complete this optional project. 

Planning Your Capstone 

  1. Identify your interests: Choose a book or section of Tanakh about which you are curious or to which you feel connected. This will make the translation process more enjoyable and engaging. 
  1. Consult with Dr. Moster: Sign up for a 30-minute consultation with Dr. Moster to get his input and guidance. He will help you narrow down your options and ensure that your project is manageable in terms of scope. 
  1. Complete Capstone Proposal and Timeline form: Submit form to the Community Engagement office. 
  1. Develop your translation: Capstone Projects must be submitted within three months of your consultation 
  1. Present your translation: Sign up to meet with Dr. Moster to present your translation and discuss the verses that interested and challenged you.  

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