A Virtual Minyan? Communal Prayer in the Digital Age

By :  Daniel Nevins JTS Alum (Rabbinical School), Former Pearl Resnick Dean of The Rabbinical School and the Division of Religious Leadership Posted On Jun 4, 2019 | Conservative Judaism Prayer

Judaism places great value on communal prayer, mandating that we pray with others whenever possible. But what does it mean to pray in community? Are we really connecting if we make a minyan via videoconference?

Download the source sheet for this webinar.

Read the responsum “Wired to Hakadosh Barukh Hu: Minyan Via Internet” by Rabbi Avram Reisner.

Read Rabbi Pamela Barmash’s responsum on sign language and its appendix on reading Torah.

This webinar was part of the 2019 International Seminar for Halakhic Study, a movement-wide event for Conservative/Masorti communities to come together to study the responsum, “Wired to Hakadosh Barukh Hu: Minyan Via Internet” by Rabbi Avram Reisner (JTS ’77). Sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards.