JTS offers adult learners of all backgrounds a range of opportunities for engaging, in-depth Jewish study with top-caliber scholars on the JTS campus.

Context: Immersive Adult Learning

JTS’s two-year Context program is an intellectual journey covering the sweep of Jewish history and civilization and the major texts of the Biblical, Rabbinic, Medieval, and Modern periods.

  • Encounter the richness and diversity of Jewish civilization through the close reading of core texts.
  • Discover what these texts meant in their original settings, how they have been received and interpreted, and their enduring relevance today.
  • Engage in stimulating discussions guided by JTS’s outstanding faculty and other distinguished scholar-teachers.
  • Join a vibrant community of adult learners from diverse backgrounds who are committed to serious Jewish study.

Learn more about Context and how to enroll

Community Courses

You can take part in topical courses of varying lengths that delve deeply into all aspects of Jewish history, philosophy, religion, arts, and literature. Past courses include: 

  • “The Jewish State: Vision and Reality”
  • “Treasures from the JTS Library” 
  • “Drawing the Line: Dissent and Tolerance in Jewish History”

Academic Courses for Audit

Choose from our extensive course catalog to learn alongside full-time JTS students enrolled in our many degree programs. Both credit and non-credit options are available.

Learn more about auditing JTS courses and how to enroll

Contact Us

For more information about learning opportunities on the JTS campus, contact [email protected]


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