Chadashot: News from Torah Fund

We Empower Jewish Education in the Conservative/Masorti Tradition 

A Thoughtful, Nuanced Discussion About Israel 

A Thoughtful, Nuanced Discussion About Israel 

Jun 12, 2023

Israel: Decades of warm relations with Mexico

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An Unexpected Visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina 

An Unexpected Visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Jun 12, 2023

Buenos Aires has the largest Jewish community in Latin America, and the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano has students from throughout the region.  

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A New QR Code for Torah Fund 

A New QR Code for Torah Fund 

Jun 12, 2023

Donating to Torah Fund online could not be easier! Just scan our new QR code. 

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Plus $80 for 80 Years

Plus $80 for 80 Years

Jun 12, 2023

Your gift in recognition of our 80th anniversary will help ensure our continued support for students at the five global Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher education. 

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My 2023 Trip to Israel  

My 2023 Trip to Israel  

Jun 12, 2023

A visit to Israel offers an illuminating view of the impressive ways women succeed and thrive in our Jewish State. 

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Our Philanthropy Enriches Conservative/Masorti Judaism 

Our Philanthropy Enriches Conservative/Masorti Judaism 

Jun 12, 2023

These past three years have been a time of great opportunity and positive change for our important philanthropy. 

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Todah Rabah to Our Chadashot Team Leadership 

Todah Rabah to Our Chadashot Team Leadership 

Jun 12, 2023

We are grateful to the leadership of our Torah Fund chair and vice-chairs for three successful years. 

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Torah Fund Legacy Society Helps Strengthen Our Jewish Future 

Torah Fund Legacy Society Helps Strengthen Our Jewish Future 

Jun 12, 2023

A legacy gift for Torah Fund demonstrates your commitment to the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. 

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Welcoming Our Newest Conservative/Masorti Rabbis 

Welcoming Our Newest Conservative/Masorti Rabbis 

Jun 12, 2023

We welcome and wish mazal tov to our newest Conservative/Masorti rabbis. 

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Where Are Some of Our Recent Graduates of JTS? Let’s Find Out!  

Where Are Some of Our Recent Graduates of JTS? Let’s Find Out!  

Jun 12, 2023

A profile of three talented JTS graduates who provide learning opportunities and spiritual enrichment in Conservative/Masorti communities throughout North America. 

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