Chadashot: News from Torah Fund

We Empower Jewish Education in the Conservative/Masorti Tradition 

The Torah Fund 80th Anniversary: A D’var Torah

The Torah Fund 80th Anniversary: A D’var Torah

Nov 22, 2022

Throughout Torah Fund history, committed women have stepped up to help fortify the Jewish people for generations to come.

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Three New Rabbis Ordained at Zacharias Frankel College

Three New Rabbis Ordained at Zacharias Frankel College

Nov 22, 2022

At Zacharias Frankel College, international backgrounds and multiculturalism add dimension to the rabbinical students and new graduates. 

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Welcoming Our Newest Conservative/Masorti Rabbis and Cantors

Welcoming Our Newest Conservative/Masorti Rabbis and Cantors

Nov 22, 2022

Our students have worked hard in their studies, and we honor their accomplishments. 

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A View from the Front Row

A View from the Front Row

Nov 22, 2022

The ordination to launch a group of new rabbis at Zacharias Frankel College was a meaningful and momentous experience. 

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Torah Fund Stands with Israel: Another Compelling Presentation

Torah Fund Stands with Israel: Another Compelling Presentation

Nov 22, 2022

Our series features commentary and insight from Israel government representatives who dedicate their lives in service to the Jewish State.

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Our Torah Fund Theme Chazak v’Ematz: What Does It Mean?

Our Torah Fund Theme Chazak v’Ematz: What Does It Mean?

Nov 22, 2022

The words “Chazak v’Ematz” have particular significance as we forge ahead with strength in this year’s campaign. 

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We Are Grateful to Our Volunteers

We Are Grateful to Our Volunteers

Nov 22, 2022

Many dedicated Torah Fund supporters took time from their busy schedules to help distribute the new Chazak v’Ematz pin. 

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Becoming Visionaries Through Torah Fund Legacy Society

Becoming Visionaries Through Torah Fund Legacy Society

Nov 22, 2022

A bequest to Torah Fund is a gift for the future. May you live to 120.

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Expressing Gratitude, an 80th Anniversary D’var Torah

Expressing Gratitude, an 80th Anniversary D’var Torah

Nov 22, 2022

Previous generations laid the foundation for a vibrant and flourishing philanthropy that makes the education of Jewish students a priority.

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Completing a Meaningful Campaign Together 

Completing a Meaningful Campaign Together 

Jun 21, 2022

Dedicated volunteers power our fundraising, and thanks to their efforts, we advance important educational initiatives benefiting the Jewish people. 

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