The Source: List College Newsletter

The Source is a List College student publication with insight and commentary on undergraduate student life at JTS.

היתה לראש פינה: Becoming a Cornerstone

היתה לראש פינה: Becoming a Cornerstone

An introduction from Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky, Dean of the Albert A. List College of Jewish Studies and the Gershon Kekst Graduate School, and the Blanche and Romie Shapiro Professor of Bible.

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Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Jul 02, 2024

Seeing the good and remembering the supportive and loving community at List College. A Letter from the Editor, Ilana Goldstein.

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Alumni Profile: Adam Jacobs

Alumni Profile: Adam Jacobs

Jul 02, 2024

23 years after graduating, Adam Jacobs shares what he learned at JTS and how he’s using that knowledge today.

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Protecting People’s Rights and Supporting Freedoms

Protecting People’s Rights and Supporting Freedoms

Jul 02, 2024

Deena Fox is now the Deputy Chief in the Special Litigation section of the Civil Rights Division at the US Department of Justice.

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Developing Empathy and Understanding While Taking on New Professional Responsibilities

Developing Empathy and Understanding While Taking on New Professional Responsibilities

Jul 02, 2024

Jonny Rosen, a junior in the Joint Program, worked this past summer at Imadi, a nonprofit that provide comprehensive care for children with chronic illnesses and genetic conditions, as well as their families.

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Student Profile: Rachel Binderman

Student Profile: Rachel Binderman

Sophomore Rachel Binderman had a rewarding experience working at Harlem United, a nonprofit in central Harlem whose goal is to advance health equality in Harlem and Manhattan.

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