Contact the Rabbinical School’s Admissions Office

The journey to becoming a rabbi begins when you first contact The Rabbinical School of JTS. We will work with you every step of the way, talking you through the issues you’ll want to consider and helping you to get ready. We look forward to thinking with you about taking this exciting path. 

Please be in touch at [email protected] or (212) 678-8818.

Rafi Cohen

Rafi Cohen

Director of Admissions, The Rabbinical School and H. L. Miller Cantorial School, JTS Alum (Rabbinical School)

Rabbi Rafi Cohen serves as director of admissions for both The Rabbinical School and the H. L. Miller Cantorial School. In this role, he guides prospective students in discerning the path of their Jewish commitments and assists them in gaining the experience they need to successfully prepare for and begin lives of sacred service.

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