Biblical Hebrew IV: Advanced Reading Seminar on the Story of Samson
Date: Oct 11, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Sponsor: Online Learning
Location: Online
Category: Biblical Hebrew Online Learning
An Online Course with Dr. David Zev Moster
Nine Wednesdays: October 11, 18, 25; November 1, 8, 15, 29; December 6, 13
2:00–3:30 p.m. ET
Many of us are familiar with Samson and Delilah, but there is more to Samson’s life than this tragic story of love and betrayal. In nine live online sessions, we will do a close reading in the original Hebrew of Judges 13-16, from Samson’s miraculous birth to his military and sexual exploits and tragic death. In addition to discussing literary themes, we will focus on the most difficult passages and explore multiple options for translation and interpretation. Participants are encouraged to complete an assignment before each class and to create their own translation of this vivid and powerful narrative.
Sessions will be recorded and recordings will be shared with registered participants who need to miss a session.
Prerequisite: completion of Biblical Hebrew I-III, or permission of instructor.
If you’re not sure whether this course is right for you or if you have additional questions, please contact
Cost: $350 (limited financial assistance available)
Registration Opening Soon
Earn a 10% discount on courses by declaring your candidacy for the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew. Complete the four-course sequence and optional capstone project. By the conclusion of the program, you will be able to read and understand a book of the Bible from start to finish in the original Hebrew.
Learn about the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew
*If you have not purchased Accordance Software for a previous course, a coupon will be provided to obtain it at the discounted price of $50. The two Tanakh Cards are $15/each.
About Dr. David Zev Moster
Dr. David Zev Moster is the Lead Faculty for JTS’s community courses in Biblical Hebrew and for the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew, and adjunct assistant professor at JTS. He directs the Institute of Biblical Culture, where he teaches Hebrew and creates video materials about ancient Israelite language and culture for the general public. He is the author of Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol (2018). He received his PhD from Bar-Ilan University, an MA from New York University, and BA, MA, and MS degrees and rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University.