Emerging Leaders Fellowship
Emerging Leaders Fellowship
The JTS Emerging Leaders Fellowship offers 11th graders from across North America the opportunity to study Jewish text, tradition, and history together. From November through June, participants will tackle challenging questions, learn from leading scholars at the cutting edge of Jewish Studies, and develop personalized projects that integrate their learning into their daily lives.
The program begins with six weekly sessions on key topics in Jewish Studies. Midway through the program, students will gather in New York for a Shabbaton where they will share moments of deep learning and social interaction with their cohort. During the program, they will also collaborate with Rabbinical School mentors to create and execute individual projects, supported by regular mentoring sessions, group workshops, and guest classes from JTS faculty members. These projects, directed by student interest and facilitated by our team of mentors, can take the form of reports, shiurim, divrei Torah, online content, artistic and musical projects, and more.
Students should be prepared for an academic challenge that will profoundly impact their Jewish identities.
Sessions will meet virtually from 7:30–8:45 p.m. ET on the following Tuesdays:
November 5
November 12
November 19
November 26
December 3
December 10
Starting in January, students will meet regularly with their rabbinic mentor at a time that is mutually convenient, have periodic special workshops and speakers, and participate in a robust online community of inquiry.
Tuition for the 2024–25 academic year is $500 per student.

Director of Teen Education
Dr. Phil Keisman is the director of Teen Education at JTS. He is a veteran educator and teacher of Jewish history and text and has taught at The Abraham Joshua Heschel School, Beit Rabban Day School, The New School, Lehman College, and Queens College.
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For more information, please contact ivryprozdor@jtsa.edu.