Negaim 2:5

Negaim 2:5

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Should an expert be allowed to treat himself?

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Bikkurim 3:7

Bikkurim 3:7

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

How do we balance the integrity of a ritual with the need to invite participation by the masses?

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Ta’anit 2:1

Ta’anit 2:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

How does a community demonstrate true remorse?

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Arakhin 3:5

Arakhin 3:5

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

When is verbal assault considered worse than physical damage?

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Hagigah 1:5

Hagigah 1:5

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

On the three pilgrimage festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot, Jews were required to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem and bring two sacrifices. The re’iyah (appearance offering) was an olah (burned sacrifice). The hagigah (festive offering) was a sh’lamim (edible sacrifice). The latter was shared by the family as a simhah, or “happy meal.” The Torah does not specify the size of these sacrifices.

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Sanhendrin 3:7

Sanhendrin 3:7

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Should internal court deliberations be public or secret?

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Shabbat 6:4

Shabbat 6:4

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

What may one carry on Shabbat? Are weapons like jewelry or like tools?

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Shekalim 1:1

Shekalim 1:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What preparations are needed for the Jewish community to begin a new year?

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Temurah 4:2

Temurah 4:2

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What happens to recovered property that had once been dedicated for a sacrifice?

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Terumot 6:3

Terumot 6:3

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

Who pays the penalty for eating forbidden foods—the host or the guest?

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Yevamot 15:1

Yevamot 15:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

This tractate deals primarily with complicated cases that test the Torah’s dictate that if a man dies childless, his younger brother is obligated to marry the widow (Deut. 25:5-6). Mingled with these discussions are the consideration of many other situations involving widowhood, divorce, and remarriage.

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Makkot 3:4

Makkot 3:4

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Should a person be allowed to escape punishment by undoing his transgression?

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Eruvin 4:2

Eruvin 4:2

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

What if you get caught outside the Shabbat boundary on Friday afternoon?

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Keritot 1:7

Keritot 1:7

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What is the relationship between ritual practice and the marketplace?

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Peah 2:6

Peah 2:6

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

Does it matter exactly how you give food to the poor?

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Ketubah 12:3

Ketubah 12:3

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What advice does the Talmud offer for estate skirmishes?

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Shavuot 3:8

Shavuot 3:8

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What types of oaths are invalid?

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Me’ilah 5:1

Me’ilah 5:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Is it a crime if you cause no damage?

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Demai 2:2

Demai 2:2

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

Jewish society in the early rabbinic period was divided between a scholarly elite known as “members” who were scrupulous in the complicated system of tithing food and maintaining its purity, and the common people, referred to derisively as “Am Ha’aretz” and suspected of violating these dietary rules.

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Nedarim 9:1

Nedarim 9:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

If a person takes a rash vow, what factors can be summoned to release him?

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