Hallah 3:5

Hallah 3:5

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

According to Numbers chapter 15, verse 20, a portion of dough must be given as a gift to the priest. This obligation is, however, limited to certain circumstances. Only dough from one of the five grains (wheat, barley, spelt, oats, or rye), in volume exceeding one kav, and that belongs to a Jew is liable for this tax. 

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Horayot 1:2

Horayot 1:2

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

How up-to-date must you keep for compliance?

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Pesahim 3:4

Pesahim 3:4

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What precautions are necessary to prevent dough from becoming chametz?

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Sukkah 3:1

Sukkah 3:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Do mitzvot require background checks?

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Kinim 3:6

Kinim 3:6

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

The silver lining of aging and death

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Kilayim 9:8

Kilayim 9:8

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

Kilayim refers to forbidden mixtures. The Torah prohibits sowing different crops together; sewing wool and linen together; yoking different types of animals to a plough together; and breeding different species together. The synonym shatnez is obscure, making it ripe for wordplay.

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Gittin 9:1

Gittin 9:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Can a man control the marriage options of his ex-wife?

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Zevachim 4:6

Zevachim 4:6

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What intentions are necessary to make a sacrifice valid?

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Beitzah 2:1

Beitzah 2:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Rabbinic law allows cooking food on yom tov [Pesah, Shavu’ot, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot], but only for yom tov. What, then, will one eat on the day immediately following Shabbat? 

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Ohalot 1:6

Ohalot 1:6

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What criteria define death?

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Shevi’it 10:8

Shevi’it 10:8

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

When may you accept or decline additional favors?

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Kiddushin 3:1

Kiddushin 3:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

What is the status of a betrothal?

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Menahot 3:7

Menahot 3:7

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Is there partial credit for mitzvot?

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Rosh Hashanah 2:5

Rosh Hashanah 2:5

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Should do-gooders be given special dispensations?

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Kelim 5:7

Kelim 5:7

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

How does one purify an oven?

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Ma’asrot 1:1

Ma’asrot 1:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

What foods must be tithed?

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Chullin 7:6

Chullin 7:6

Jan 1, 2008

When did the mitzvot originate?

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Megillah 4:1

Megillah 4:1

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

This Mishnah is a window into early rabbinic customs of chanting scripture. 

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Bava Kama 3:8

Bava Kama 3:8

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Who is liable in a rear-end collision?

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Orlah 3:9

Orlah 3:9

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins

How far do the agricultural laws of Israel extend?

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