The Promise of Security

The Promise of Security

May 1, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Behar | Behukkotai

Parashat Behukkotai opens with a dramatic quid pro quo.

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Yom Yerushalayim—Inhabiting the Land

Yom Yerushalayim—Inhabiting the Land

May 1, 2013 By Burton L. Visotzky | Commentary | Behar | Behukkotai | Yom Yerushalayim

Our double Torah portion opens with God’s command to Moses to tell the Israelites, “When you come to the land that I am giving you, and you inhabit the land.” No sooner did I read this verse as I prepared to write these words of Torah, than my own counting of the days flashed back 46 years to my first time ever in Israel, when I was a teenager on Camp Ramah Israel Seminar.

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Torah—Vision Beyond the Text (Part 1)

Torah—Vision Beyond the Text (Part 1)

May 1, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary

In these weeks leading to the festival of Shavu’ot, designated by the Rabbis as Z’man matan Torateinu (Season of the Giving of Torah), let us look at the way that Torah appears in our liturgy. Torah refers, of course, to the humash—the Five Books of Moses—but the siddur makes clear that it is much more than that. In the preliminary service, the blessings for the study of Torah (Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals, 63) are followed by verses from the humash, and these verses are followed immediately by selections from the Mishnah and Gemara, thus making it clear that these texts are Torah as well. The writings of the Sages (even to the present day) are not seen merely as commentary or amplification of Torah—rabbinic writings are also Torah, the “Oral” Torah.

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The Laws of Sefirah and Shavuot

The Laws of Sefirah and Shavuot

Apr 29, 2013 By Isaac Klein | Lag Ba'omer

From: A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice

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Yours? Mine? Ours? Economies for a Sustainable Earth

Yours? Mine? Ours? Economies for a Sustainable Earth

Apr 25, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event video

A panel discussion sponsored by the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious and Social Studies of JTS. 

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Uncertainty and the Omer

Uncertainty and the Omer

Apr 23, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Emor

As we journey through these days and weeks, we find ourselves in the midst of Sefirat Omer, the counting of the Omer (the sheaf of barley offering, a ritual that took place in Temple times).

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Following Boston, Prayers for Healing

Following Boston, Prayers for Healing

Apr 23, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary

Once more murderous acts have literally blasted their way into our hearts and souls. Images from the bombs in Boston are seared into our minds and memories, and these depictions challenge us. Our faith in humanity is challenged no less than our faith in God.   

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The Spirit of Jewish Leadership

The Spirit of Jewish Leadership

Apr 23, 2013 By Arnold M. Eisen | Commentary | Emor

Two themes in this week’s Torah portion strike me with particular urgency and force: how Israelites should mourn the dead, and the qualifications required for the priesthood.

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Heschel and Kaplan: Cross Sections and Intersections

Heschel and Kaplan: Cross Sections and Intersections

Apr 18, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event video

Dr. Susannah Heschel, as the devoted student of her father’s (Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel) life and thought, and Dr. Mel Scult, as biographer of Rabbi Morecai M. Kaplan and scholar of his voluminous diaries, discuss the private lives of Kaplan and Heschel, the relationship between them over many years of teaching at JTS, and their contributions as Jewish public intellectuals.

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Israel: Memory and Dreams (Part 2)

Israel: Memory and Dreams (Part 2)

Apr 17, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary | Yom Hazikaron-Yom Ha'atzma'ut

Following the transition from the pain-filled memories of Yom Hazikkaron (State of Israel Memorial Day) to Yom Ha’atzma’ut (State of Israel Independence Day), it is fitting to look closely at the prayer recited in so many synagogues (of all denominations) around the world: Tefillah l’Shalom HaMedinah (the Prayer for the State of Israel). There is a “legend” that the text was composed by Israeli Nobel laureate Shmuel Yosef Agnon, but in fact the text was composed by Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog (1936–1949), and a critically important phrase was added by Agnon in a handwritten note.

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Embracing Life in the Face of Death

Embracing Life in the Face of Death

Apr 17, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Aharei Mot | Kedoshim | Yom Hazikaron-Yom Ha'atzma'ut

This past week, we commemorated State of Israel Memorial Day (Yom Hazikkaron) and State of Israel Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzma’ut). The juxtaposition of these two observances is jarring. Living in Israel, one feels how mourning permeates every moment of Yom Hazikkaron: from the piercing siren that sounds around the entire country at 8:00 p.m. to the mournful songs played on Israeli radio; from the Yizkor (memorial service) stickers with the Israeli plant known as dam hamakabim (the blood of the Maccabees) to the throngs of Israeli citizens flooding Mount Herzl Cemetery. At the close of this sobering day, transition ceremonies give way to the festivities of Yom Ha’azma’ut: fireworks decorate the night sky and festive barbeques fill the landscape of every square meter of Israeli parks.

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Getting Out of Your Own Way

Getting Out of Your Own Way

Apr 16, 2013 By Abigail Treu | Commentary | Aharei Mot | Kedoshim

“You shall not . . . place a stumbling block before the blind. You shall fear your God. I am the Lord.” Taken literally, this is a verse about respecting the disabled. Taken figuratively—as the Rabbis give us ample precedent and license to do—it is about all of us.

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Building Bridges Among Jews

Building Bridges Among Jews

Apr 16, 2013

Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.” “All of Israel are responsible for one another.” Dr. Ruth Calderon of the Knesset discusses, how in an ever global world, Jews from all paths can join together and “build bridges.”

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Israel: Memory and Dreams (Part 1)

Israel: Memory and Dreams (Part 1)

Apr 10, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary | Yom Hazikaron-Yom Ha'atzma'ut

Yom Ha’atzma’ut, State of Israel Independence Day, is observed on Tuesday, April 16. It is not only a political and national celebration for the citizens of Israel and their supporters around the world, it is also a festival of the Jewish calendar. The Psalms of Hallel are recited, there is a special Torah reading, and there is an additional paragraph in the ‘Amidah of the Conservative Movement, in a style similar to Hanukkah and Purim (see the Rabbinical Assembly’s Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays, 42, 50, 343). So this day is not simply the Israeli equivalent of July 4—it is rooted, as is the State of Israel, in the ancient Jewish dream for the perfection of the world.

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The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan

The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan

Apr 10, 2013 By Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event audio

The philosophy of Mordecai M. Kaplan, longtime professor at JTS (1910 – 1963), dean of its Teachers Institute (1909 – 1946), and founder of the Reconstructionist Movement, is presented in its entirety for the first time in The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan.

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Israel and Us: Responsibilities, Commitments, and Opportunities

Israel and Us: Responsibilities, Commitments, and Opportunities

Apr 10, 2013 By Arnold M. Eisen | Public Event video

A special address given by Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen of the Jewish Theological Seminary entitled “Israel and Us: Responsibilities, Commitments, and Opportunities” in honor of The State of Israel’s 64th year of independence, Yom Ha’atzma’ut 5772/2012

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Land, Language, and Leprosy

Land, Language, and Leprosy

Apr 10, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Metzora | Tazria

The second of this week’s parashiyot, Metzora, is an enigma on so many levels.

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The Torah’s Prescription for Healing

The Torah’s Prescription for Healing

Apr 9, 2013 By Alan Cooper | Commentary | Metzora | Tazria

At a glance, the opening chapters of Parashat Metzora seem like a biblical antecedent of WebMD. Leviticus 13 describes the disfiguring symptoms of צרעת/tzara`at, starting with “a swelling, a rash, or a discoloration” that “develops into a scaly affection” (Lev. 13:1).

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The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto

The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto

Apr 9, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Podcast or Radio Program

Originally broadcast in 1944, just six months after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ended, “The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto” provides a dramatic account of life in the Ghetto.

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A Song for the Conqueror

A Song for the Conqueror

Apr 4, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Podcast or Radio Program

A 1955 episode of The Eternal Light depicting the power of music to sustain life and hope amidst a Polish ghetto during the Holocaust.

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