When God Said “No” to Moses

When God Said “No” to Moses

Feb 26, 2013 By Arnold M. Eisen | Commentary | Ki Tissa

It must have been a great comfort to Moses—and not only a disappointment—that God turned down his request to see God’s glory. The wind was presence enough, on top of the mountain, much of the time—the wind, and the voice in the wind. Every visit of divine speech exhausted him now. Even the words that did not demand that he do battle, climb higher, challenge Pharaoh, rebuke the Israelites yet again, or simply—on some days the hardest—endure.

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Justice, Tzedek, Sadaqah: Pursuing Social Justice in Multi-faith Communities

Justice, Tzedek, Sadaqah: Pursuing Social Justice in Multi-faith Communities

Feb 21, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event video

This multi-faith panel of “elders” discusses how multi-faith communities have influenced social justice over the past two decades, what are the current issues being addressed, and what is still to be accomplished. They offer insight into how young activists can play a pivotal role in accomplishing some of these key objectives and what it will mean for the future of this country and our place in a global society.

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Serve God With Joy

Serve God With Joy

Feb 20, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary

I recall reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer while in elementary school, and being stumped by a description of the powerful singing in church of “Old Hundred.” What might this “Old Hundred” be, and why was it being sung in church with such fervor? Eventually, I found out that this was Psalm 100, and was sung by the community as it learned that Tom Sawyer was alive, and had mischievously staged his own disappearance.

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Parts of a Whole

Parts of a Whole

Feb 20, 2013 By Abigail Treu | Commentary | Tetzavveh | Purim

A strange fact about being human: we never see any object in its entirety. We perceive in three dimensions, but see only in two so that our seeing is always at the mercy of our believing.

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Clothing Ourselves in Sanctity

Clothing Ourselves in Sanctity

Feb 20, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Tetzavveh | Purim

Clothing offers keen insight in two complementary directions. First, the garments one wears reveals one’s personality.

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“Fill Our Eyes with Light . . . Cause Our Heart to Cling” (Part 2)

“Fill Our Eyes with Light . . . Cause Our Heart to Cling” (Part 2)

Feb 13, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary

Last week we looked at the phrase “ha’er eyenynu” (Fill our eyes with the light of Your Torah), and now let us look more closely at the continuation of the same sentence: “vedabek libeinu bemitzvotekha” (and make our hearts cleave to Your mitzvot) [Siddur Sim Shalom Daily, 32].

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How We Can Build the Synagogue of the Future

How We Can Build the Synagogue of the Future

Feb 13, 2013 By Arnold M. Eisen | Commentary | Terumah

If you care deeply about the present and future state of the synagogue, as I do, it’s difficult to resist the temptation to draw lessons from the remarkable vision of communal worship set forth in this week’s Torah portion. I do not intend to resist. Three aspects of the divine plan for the Tabernacle strike me as particularly relevant to our contemporary situation.

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Little Purim

Little Purim

Feb 12, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Podcast or Radio Program | Purim

A 1951 episode of “The Eternal Light” radio program about a boy and his violin on Purim.

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Purim: The Triumph of Understanding Over Hatred

Purim: The Triumph of Understanding Over Hatred

Feb 12, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Podcast or Radio Program | Purim

Taken from the archives of “The Eternal Light” radio program, this 1954 commentary on Purim is delivered by Murray Bellow, a noted civic leader of the time.

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God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Feb 12, 2013 By Raymond Scheindlin | Commentary | Purim

How is it possible to tell a story of redemption without even once mentioning the name of God?

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The Laws of Passover

The Laws of Passover

Feb 11, 2013 By Isaac Klein | Pesah

From: A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice

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The Laws of Purim

The Laws of Purim

Feb 11, 2013 By Isaac Klein | Purim

From: A Guide to Jewish Religiious Practice

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“Truthiness” in the Bible

“Truthiness” in the Bible

Feb 7, 2013 By Robert Harris | Video Lecture

What the Bible Means, What it Meant, and Why the Difference Matters: A recorded live stream lunch and learn

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Taking Time to Be There

Taking Time to Be There

Feb 6, 2013 By Lisa Gelber | Commentary | Mishpatim

Moses needs time to immerse himself in the law and his relationship with God. He needs to experience what it meant to climb this mountain, literally and figuratively. If he didn’t yet know that, God did.

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Finding God in the Darkness

Finding God in the Darkness

Feb 5, 2013 By Abigail Treu | Commentary | Short Video | Va'era

A video Torah commentary.

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How They Knocked the Devil Out of Uncle Ezra

How They Knocked the Devil Out of Uncle Ezra

Feb 5, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Podcast or Radio Program

What happens when a child is too smart for their own good? Find out in this humorous 1949 broadcast of The Eternal Light radio program.

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The Curious Case of the Slave Who Refuses Freedom

The Curious Case of the Slave Who Refuses Freedom

Feb 5, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Mishpatim

Coming on the heels of the Revelation at Sinai, Parashat Mishpatim opens with laws concerning slaves.

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“Fill Our Eyes With Light . . . Cause Our Hearts to Cling” (Part 1)

“Fill Our Eyes With Light . . . Cause Our Hearts to Cling” (Part 1)

Feb 5, 2013 By Samuel Barth | Commentary

Phrases in the siddur are filled with echoes of earlier texts and give birth to newer metaphors and meanings. The blessing immediately before the Shema’ in every morning service contains the phrase “ha’er eyneinu beToratekha vedabek libeinu bemitzvotekha” (Fill our eyes with the light of Your Torah, and make our hearts cleave to Your mitzvot.) [Siddur Sim Shalom, 32.]

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Warfare in the 21st Century: 5 Questions with General Norton A. Schwartz

Warfare in the 21st Century: 5 Questions with General Norton A. Schwartz

Feb 4, 2013

Has the fundamental nature of war changed? Should Jewish values play in how and when we engage in conflict? General Norton A. Schwartz discusses this regarding warfare in the 21st century.

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Decimation and Affirmation: A Tale of Two Non-Israelites

Decimation and Affirmation: A Tale of Two Non-Israelites

Jan 30, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Beshallah

The opening of this week’s Torah reading, Parashat Yitro, stands in stark contrast to the conclusion of last week’s parashah, Beshallah.

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