The Rule of the Visigoths (Part 1b)

The Rule of the Visigoths (Part 1b)

Oct 11, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry

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My Lips, My Mouth, My Heart

My Lips, My Mouth, My Heart

Oct 10, 2012 By Samuel Barth | Commentary

With the cycle of Festivals behind us, and approaching the Torah portion Parashat Bereishit (“In the beginning . . . ”), it is fitting to look at the very beginning of the core text of our liturgy—the ‘Amidah or tefillah. We turn to this ordered sequence of blessings in every Jewish service, whether with a community or praying privately. The structure and history of the ‘Amidah open enormous areas of reflection—to which this column will turn quite frequently—but here let us look at the phrase that comes, so to speak, even before the beginning. The words “Adonai sefatai tiftach ufi yagid tehilatekha” (God open my lips and my mouth will declare Your praise) are from Psalm 51:17, and are printed in just about every version of the siddur (in smaller type) just before the opening of the ‘Amidah (see for example the Shabbat/Festival siddur of the Rabbinical Assembly on pages 35, 115, 156).

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Who’s the Hero and Who’s the Villain?

Who’s the Hero and Who’s the Villain?

Oct 10, 2012 By Richard Kalmin | Commentary | Bereishit

To state things up front, my claim is that Adam and Eve did not just undergo a fall, but also a significant rise; to make that claim, I’m going to argue that two of the main characters, the snake and God, have often been misunderstood. The snake has gotten a bum rap, and God has usually gotten off much too easily.

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The Muslims Triumph; Andalusian Jewish Community Grows and Sephardic Jewry Emerges (Part 2)

The Muslims Triumph; Andalusian Jewish Community Grows and Sephardic Jewry Emerges (Part 2)

Oct 10, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry

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The Rise of the Christians: Whither Sephardic Jewry (Part 3)

The Rise of the Christians: Whither Sephardic Jewry (Part 3)

Oct 9, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry

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The Reconquista: Sephardic Jewish Culture and Society are Transformed? (Part 4)

The Reconquista: Sephardic Jewish Culture and Society are Transformed? (Part 4)

Oct 8, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry

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The Riots and Conversions of 1391-1392 and their Immediate Aftermath (Part 5)

The Riots and Conversions of 1391-1392 and their Immediate Aftermath (Part 5)

Oct 7, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry

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The Iberian Expulsions and their Repercussions (Part 6a)

The Iberian Expulsions and their Repercussions (Part 6a)

Oct 6, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry

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Moses’s Final Words

Moses’s Final Words

Oct 6, 2012 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Simhat Torah

As we approach the end of the Five Books of Moses with our celebration of Simhat Torah, we arrive at Parashat Vezot Haberakhah.

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To Lead a Jewish Life: Education for Living Part 1

To Lead a Jewish Life: Education for Living Part 1

Oct 5, 2012 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Documentary

This program investigates the mechanisms Judaism has used for generations to disseminate knowledge and forge a solid connection to one’s heritage. Featuring a Solomon Schechter day school, and Camp Ramah Darom in Georgia, plus commentary from Jewish educational leaders.

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As Light Before Dawn: The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist

As Light Before Dawn: The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist

Oct 5, 2012 By Eitan Fishbane | Public Event video

Dr. Eitan Fishbane, assistant professor in the Department of Jewish Though, discusses his new book “As Light Before Dawn- The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist” in this book talk held through The Library of JTS.

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Making Our Democracy Work

Making Our Democracy Work

Oct 5, 2012

The 2012 Bernard G. Segal Memorial Lecture in Law and Ethics
Why does the American public accepts the Court’s decisions? What must the Court do to maintain the public’s trust? How do our courts make our democracy work? This and more is discussed in this lecture by Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer of the United States Supreme Court.

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Hope Will Find You: My Search for the Wisdom to Stop Waiting and Start Living

Hope Will Find You: My Search for the Wisdom to Stop Waiting and Start Living

Oct 5, 2012

Rabbi Naomi Levy delivers a talk on her new book Hope Will Find You: My Search for the Wisdom to Stop Waiting and Start Living.

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Doing Jewish Theology Today

Doing Jewish Theology Today

Oct 5, 2012 By Arnold M. Eisen | Public Event video

What does it mean to be a Jew in the modern world? Professor Arnold Eisen, Rabbi Julie Roth, Rabbi Gordon Tucker, and Rabbi Neil Gillman discuss this topic throughout the program, “Doing Jewish Theology Today: God, Torah, and Israel in Modern Judaism.”

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Jewish Responses to Tragedy

Jewish Responses to Tragedy

Oct 5, 2012 By Burton L. Visotzky | Public Event video

You or someone you know has suffered a tragedy; how would you proceed? Many people turn to their religion in these situations. Many religions have similar practices and beliefs when it comes to tragedies, and therefore, in commemoration of September 11th, 2001, this program will explore the Jewish view on tragedy.

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Gillman on Gillman

Gillman on Gillman

Oct 5, 2012 By Neil Gillman (z”l) | Public Event video

What does it mean to be a Jew in the modern world? Professor Arnold Eisen, Rabbi Julie Roth, Rabbi Gordon Tucker, and Rabbi Neil Gillman discuss this topic throughout the program, “Doing Jewish Theology Today: God, Torah, and Israel in Modern Judaism.”

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The Sabbath with Judith Shulevitz

The Sabbath with Judith Shulevitz

Oct 5, 2012

Author Judith Shulevitz participates in the Henry N. Rapaport Memorial Lecture at The Jewish Theological Seminary, discussing her recent book, The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time. She is joined in dialogue by Rabbi Shai Held, cofounder of Mechon Hadar.

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Jewish Traditions on Healing

Jewish Traditions on Healing

Oct 5, 2012 By Burton L. Visotzky | Public Event video

You or someone you know is ill; how would you proceed? Many people turn to their religion in these situations. Many religions have similar practices and beliefs when it comes to healing, and therefore, in commemoration of September 11th, 2001, this program will explore the Jewish view on healing.

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The Emergence of the Sephardi Diaspora (Part 6b)

The Emergence of the Sephardi Diaspora (Part 6b)

Oct 5, 2012 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Video Lecture

Introduction to Sephardic History: From the Golden Age to Expulsion
The History, Society and Culture of Medieval Sephardic Jewry.

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New American Haggadah

New American Haggadah

Oct 5, 2012

An extraordinary conversation with one of America’s most acclaimed and influential young authors discussing the timelessness of the Passover story, the thinking behind the New American Haggadah, the secret desire of Jewish writers to be rabbis, and more.

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