The Rabbinical School Low-Residency Mekhinah

Interested in pursuing a Rabbinical School education and becoming a rabbi but need extra preparation? Through online courses, mentorship, and virtual cohorts, our new semester-long Low-Residency Mekhinah program allows you to build skills for Rabbinical School while living and working wherever you are.

During the Low-Residency Mekhinah, you can expect to:

  • Continue working wherever you’re living before relocating to New York full-time.
  • Meet at the beginning of the semester for one week in New York.
  • Gather virtually throughout the semester with a cohort of fellow students in hevrutah.
  • Participate in online courses in Hebrew, Rabbinic Literature, Bible, and Liturgy.
  • Learn with JTS faculty
  • Receive spiritual mentorship and direction from a Conservative rabbi either in-person or virtually.
  • Engage in both self-study and group learning with your fellow classmates.
  • Build your Hebrew language and Rabbinic text skills while increasing your familiarity with Jewish practice.

Program Overview

Part 1: In-Person Residency in NYC
– Begin each semester with an in-person learning intensive at JTS.

Part 2: Hebrew and one additional course per semester. Course offerings in Fall 2024 may include Introduction to Rabbinic Literature, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, or Introduction to the Siddur.
– Online course meets synchronously via Zoom.

Part 3: Collaborative Peer Mentorship
– Virtual cohort gatherings and mentorship.

Part 4: Reading List
– A curated bibliography of essential Jewish books will be sent to participants at the start of the program.

Part 5: Mentoring with Local Conservative Rabbi
– Students are paired with a local rabbi for ongoing mentorship throughout the Mekhinah Program, or will connect virtually, depending on your location.

Next Cohort Launches September 2024

  • Division of Religious Leadership Shabbaton: Friday, September 6 – Sunday, September 8
  • In-Person Learning at JTS: Monday, September 9 – Wednesday, September 11

Scholarship and Fees

  • Tuition: $1,800 per semester
  • Generous scholarships are available
  • Tuition credit toward year one of JTS Rabbinical School

If you have any questions, please contact Admissions at [email protected].