
JTS Presents: Jazz—The Power of Transformation, Featuring the Juilliard Jazz Ensemble, Mark Sherman

JTS Presents: Jazz—The Power of Transformation, Featuring the Juilliard Jazz Ensemble, Mark Sherman

Feb 10, 2016

Acclaimed vibraphonist Mark Sherman and the Juilliard Jazz Ensemble perform favorite jazz standards.

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Deadline Is December 31 for Alumni to Apply for JTS Seeds of Innovation Grants

Deadline Is December 31 for Alumni to Apply for JTS Seeds of Innovation Grants

The JTS Seeds of Innovation Project provides support for initiatives that cultivate Jewish engagement.

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Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen on “Donald Trump and the Painful Price of Religious Intolerance”

Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen on “Donald Trump and the Painful Price of Religious Intolerance”

“All Americans should be outraged by Donald Trump. . . Jews have special reason to be concerned.”

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Dr. Barbara Mann Awarded NEH Fellowship for Jewish Literature Project

Dr. Barbara Mann Awarded NEH Fellowship for Jewish Literature Project

“The National Endowment for the Humanities . . . announced $21.8 million in grants for 295 humanities projects.”

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JTS and Riverside Church Cohost Portrayal of Historic Friendship

JTS and Riverside Church Cohost Portrayal of Historic Friendship

Ed Asner reads the part of Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Albert Jones the part of Dr. King.

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Experts to Address the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Upcoming Lecture

Experts to Address the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Upcoming Lecture

How are we called upon to respond as a nation, as a Jewish community, and as individuals?

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Covenant Foundation’s New Grantees Include JTS for Pastoral-Care Training Expansion

Covenant Foundation’s New Grantees Include JTS for Pastoral-Care Training Expansion

The Center will energize their communities through bikkur holim (visiting the sick).

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JTS Announces New Phase of Major Multi-Year Reinvestment in Morningside Heights Campus

JTS Announces New Phase of Major Multi-Year Reinvestment in Morningside Heights Campus

Feb 7, 2016

Newly closed sale offers opportunity for redesign focused on students and community.

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JTS & Union Commemorate 50th Anniv of Heschel’s Revolutionary Address on Interreligious Dialogue

JTS & Union Commemorate 50th Anniv of Heschel’s Revolutionary Address on Interreligious Dialogue

Nov 9, 2015

The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) and Union Theological Seminary will host “No Religion Is an Island” featuring a conversation between Arnold M. Eisen, chancellor of JTS, and Serene Jones, president of the Faculty and Johnston Family Professor for Religion and Democracy at Union. John J. Thatamanil, associate professor of Theology and World Religions at Union, will moderate. Abraham Joshua Heschel spoke at Union 50 years ago, just as the Vatican was acting on Nostra Aetate, bringing Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant voices into accord. The action helped the groups move from centuries of enmity towards one other to tolerance and ultimately common cause. Today, particularly in the US, we enjoy an era of unprecedented interreligious dialogue, cooperation, and communal purpose in addressing together our nation’s—indeed our world’s—most pressing needs. Chancellor Eisen and President Jones will assess the promise of Heschel’s address, reflect on JTS and Union’s shared journey of interreligious engagement, and discuss the possibilities of future cooperation between the Jewish and Christian communities.

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