Teshuvah in Two Directions

Teshuvah in Two Directions

Sep 26, 2016 By David C. Kraemer | Short Video | Rosh Hashanah | Yom Kippur

Forgiving and Asking Forgiveness: Sound Bytes for the High Holidays 5777

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Dwelling with God

Dwelling with God

Sep 2, 2016 By JTS Alumni | Commentary | Re'eh

By Sonia Gordon Walinsky (LC ’04) and Nina Gordon

From Rosh Hodesh Elul, this shabbat, until the end of the holiday season, Psalm 27 is recited in the daily morning and evening services. It reflects a yearning for closeness with God fitting for the time of year when we seek to make teshuvah—literally, returning to God.

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Petition or Protest

Petition or Protest

Sep 2, 2016 By Adam Zagoria-Moffet | Commentary | Re'eh

One month from now, we turn to renew the Hebrew calendar, and our spiritual lives with it. On that day, “the day the world is born,” we read the story of Hannah (1 Sam 1:1–2:10). After struggling for years to conceive, Hannah finally gives birth to a son, Shemuel, for whom she had prayed at the temple in Shiloh.

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Festival Musaf (Higher Voice)

Festival Musaf (Higher Voice)

Jun 1, 2016 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Prayer Recordings | Pesah | Shavuot | Shemini Atzeret | Simhat Torah | Sukkot

Recordings by Cantor Arianne Brown and Cantor Jennifer Kanarek CahnProject coordinator: Rabbi David Freidenreich

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Festival Shaharit (Higher Voice)

Festival Shaharit (Higher Voice)

Jun 3, 2016 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Prayer Recordings | Pesah | Shavuot | Shemini Atzeret | Simhat Torah | Sukkot

Recordings by Cantor Arianne Brown and Cantor Jennifer Kanarek CahnProject coordinator: Rabbi David Freidenreich

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Festival Ma’ariv (Higher Voice)

Festival Ma’ariv (Higher Voice)

Jun 5, 2016 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Prayer Recordings | Pesah | Shavuot | Shemini Atzeret | Simhat Torah | Sukkot

Recordings by Cantor Arianne BrownProject coordinator: Rabbi David Freidenreich

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Festival Musaf (Lower Voice)

Festival Musaf (Lower Voice)

Jun 2, 2016 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Prayer Recordings | Pesah | Shavuot | Shemini Atzeret | Simhat Torah | Sukkot

Recordings by Rabbi and Hazzan Seth Adelson
Project coordinator: Rabbi David Freidenreich

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Festival Shaharit (Lower Voice)

Festival Shaharit (Lower Voice)

Jun 4, 2016 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Prayer Recordings | Pesah | Shavuot | Shemini Atzeret | Simhat Torah | Sukkot

Recordings by Rabbi and Hazzan Seth Adelson
Project coordinator: Rabbi David Freidenreich

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