Pesah: The Chesed Holiday

Pesah: The Chesed Holiday

Apr 8, 2006 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Shabbat Hagadol

Next week marks the beginning of Passover; with this annual celebration, Jews gather to celebrate the birth of the Israelite nation.

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Moses, the Charismatic Leader

Moses, the Charismatic Leader

Apr 15, 2006 By Marc Wolf | Commentary | Pesah

It would have been sufficient. The refrain of dayenu that reverberated through seders around the world still rings in my ears.

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The Inspirational History of Rosh Hashanah

The Inspirational History of Rosh Hashanah

Oct 5, 2005 By Ismar Schorsch | Commentary | Rosh Hashanah

If sanctity be measured by synagogue attendance, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur win hands down.

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“This Is Water” and This Is Joy

“This Is Water” and This Is Joy

Oct 18, 2008 By Marc Wolf | Commentary | Sukkot

There is an almost organic progression from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. However, when we get caught up in preparations for the holidays, we risk missing the intended effect. From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur we work on deconstructing ourselves and our worlds. We stand together and seek to expose our inner selves, leaving us vulnerable and open. The language of Yom Kippur prepares us for this feeling—we are not atoning for our sins as we do at the beginning of Leviticus when the laws of sacrifice are first introduced, but on another level altogether. As we learn during our Torah reading, on Yom Kippur we atone from sin (Lev. 16:30). Through the day we literally achieve a level of purity—during the S’lichot and Avodah services we recite over and over again the verse, “on this day we are purified.” At the end of Ne‘ilah, we are left spiritually lighter.

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How Do We Experience the Season of Freedom?

How Do We Experience the Season of Freedom?

Apr 14, 2007 By David Hoffman | Commentary | Pesah

Freedom in biblical and rabbinic Judaism is a highly complex idea.

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Redemption: Israel’s Partnership with God

Redemption: Israel’s Partnership with God

Mar 31, 2007 By Eliezer B. Diamond | Commentary | Shabbat Hagadol

The first teaching attributed to Hillel in Tractate Avot is the following: “Be one of Aaron’s disciples, one who loves peace and pursues it, one who loves one’s fellow human beings and brings them near to the Torah.”

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The Poetry of Forgiveness

The Poetry of Forgiveness

Sep 30, 2006 By Stephen P. Garfinkel | Commentary | Shabbat Shuvah

Poetry is the soul of religion.

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Lighting a Candle Before God

Lighting a Candle Before God

Dec 27, 2003 By Lauren Eichler Berkun | Commentary | Hanukkah

As the menorah shines with all eight candles on this Shabbat Hanukkah, I am inspired to reflect on the powerful spiritual metaphor of light in the Jewish tradition. Light is one of the enduring symbols for God in our sacred texts

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