The Laws of Tisha Be’Av

The Laws of Tisha Be’Av

Jul 15, 2013 By Isaac Klein | Tishah Be'av

From: A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice

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The Laws of Sefirah and Shavuot

The Laws of Sefirah and Shavuot

Apr 29, 2013 By Isaac Klein | Lag Ba'omer

From: A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice

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The Laws of Passover

The Laws of Passover

Feb 11, 2013 By Isaac Klein | Pesah

From: A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice

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The Laws of Hanukkah

The Laws of Hanukkah

Nov 20, 2012 By Isaac Klein | Hanukkah

From:  A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice

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Strengthening Ourselves

Strengthening Ourselves

Mar 5, 2011 By David Marcus | Commentary | Pekudei | Shabbat Shekalim

This Shabbat is one of beginnings and endings. It is a Shabbat of beginnings because it is the first of the four special Shabbatot preceding Pesah, and it is called Shabbat Shekalim. But this Shabbat is also a Shabbat of endings. The parashah for the week, Parashat Pekudei, describes the concluding stages of the construction of the Mishkan by the craftsman Bezalel and the entire band of Israelite workers. 

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The Seasons of God

The Seasons of God

Jul 10, 2015 By Nancy Abramson | Commentary | Pinehas

Parashat Pinehas is one of several instances in the Torah in which the holidays and their sacrifices are described. In Leviticus, we read the verse, “These are the fixed seasons of God, which you shall proclaim as sacred occasions;” (23:4) a prelude to the descriptions of festival practices with particular emphasis on the offerings made by the kohanim (priests). Here in Pinehas, the Torah lays out the religious calendar as a catalogue of these public sacrifices (Num. 28:1–29:39), which forms the maftir Torah reading for each festival.

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Between Tum’ah and Tohorah

Between Tum’ah and Tohorah

Apr 2, 2011 By Marc Wolf | Commentary | Shabbat Hahodesh | Tazria

It seems more than kismet that Passover falls when it does, following on the heels of the parashiyot of Leviticus in which we discuss the most base of subjects. In fact, rabbis and commentators through the ages have found the laws of tum’ah and tohorah (ritual impurity and purity) covered in these weeks before Passover so unsettling that, presumably in reaction, they have enthusiastically embraced the following statement from the Talmud: “Questions are asked and lectures are given on the laws of Passover beginning thirty days before” (BT Pesachim 6a). Surely, this is an avoidance tactic on the part of rabbis, but maybe it is also for the sake of the community—to save them from many discussions that would make them lose their appetites for the kiddush that follows services.

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The Origins of a Nation

The Origins of a Nation

Apr 23, 2011 By Marc Wolf | Commentary | Pesah

As we set our tables and prepare for our seders, we cannot help but hear the echoes of our journey from persecution to freedom amplified in the headlines. Our holiday of Hodesh Ha’aviv—the “Month of the Spring”—comes at a time when the ripple effects of what has been dubbed the Arab Spring are just beginning to be felt.

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