Building Bridges Among Jews

Building Bridges Among Jews

Apr 16, 2013

Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.” “All of Israel are responsible for one another.” Dr. Ruth Calderon of the Knesset discusses, how in an ever global world, Jews from all paths can join together and “build bridges.”

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Israel and Us: Responsibilities, Commitments, and Opportunities

Israel and Us: Responsibilities, Commitments, and Opportunities

Apr 10, 2013 By Arnold M. Eisen | Public Event video

A special address given by Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen of the Jewish Theological Seminary entitled “Israel and Us: Responsibilities, Commitments, and Opportunities” in honor of The State of Israel’s 64th year of independence, Yom Ha’atzma’ut 5772/2012

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The State of Israel: Messianism Without a Messiah?

The State of Israel: Messianism Without a Messiah?

Nov 23, 2015 By Benjamin R. Gampel | Public Event video

This presentation explores what the messianic idea has meant for Jews through the ages and in contemporary Israeli politics—and the dramatic implications of messianic thinking in shaping the future and fate of the Jewish state.

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The American Jewish Conversation about Israel

The American Jewish Conversation about Israel

Apr 30, 2015

Once a great source of unity and pride for American Jews, Israel now often leads to impassioned conflict, heated debate, and even alienation within our community. J.J. Goldberg, Jonathan Tobin, and Rabbi Melissa Weintraub  explore whether anything can and should be done to bridge our polarization; whether there should be any “red lines” in discussing Israel, either for individuals or for Jewish communal organizations; and how the way we talk to each other about Israel impacts the American Jewish community, especially among younger generations, and how it affects Israel.

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Gaza, the IDF Code of Ethics, and the Morality of War

Gaza, the IDF Code of Ethics, and the Morality of War

Nov 20, 2014

This summer, Israel faced a war with Gaza, but what are the moral implications involved in such a war? The Jewish Theological Seminary’s (JTS) Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen and Dr. Moshe Halbertal, Gruss Professor of Law at New York University School of Law discuss this complicated topic.

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Israel’s Safety, Israel’s Soul: Hopes and Fears in Contemporary Israel

Israel’s Safety, Israel’s Soul: Hopes and Fears in Contemporary Israel

Nov 21, 2013 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event video

Yossi Klein Halevi and David Senesh have two very different views on Israeli society. Should Israeli society be more concerned about the price of being too weak or too strong? What are the responsibilities of a country under existential threat in terms of both morality and security? These questions are discussed in this provocative, illuminating, and critically important discussion moderated by Rabbi Julia Andelman.

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50 Years of Jewish-Catholic Dialogue

50 Years of Jewish-Catholic Dialogue

Nov 20, 2015 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event video

Mordechay Lewy, the Immediate Past Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See, delivers a lecture titled, “50 Years of Jewish-Catholic Dialogue.”

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Zionism and Jewish Theology

Zionism and Jewish Theology

Oct 5, 2012

Dr. David Novak of the University of Toronto, delivers a talk entitled “Zionism and Jewish Theology” as part of a series on Contemporary Jewish Theology by The Tikvah Institute for Jewish Thought of The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS).

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