Berachot 9:2

Berachot 9:2

Jan 1, 2008 By Daniel Nevins | Text Study

Does prayer come from the heart, or is it a response to the world around us?

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Athiests and the Torah

Athiests and the Torah

Nov 14, 2009 By Marc Wolf | Commentary | Hayyei Sarah

Oh, if the atheists read the Torah! During this week’s parashah, we encounter a text that could have been fodder for the atheist argument against prayer. Shortly before his death, Abraham calls his senior servant for one last assignment. The servant is to return to Abraham’s homeland to find a fitting wife for Isaac, and, after swearing that Abraham’s bidding will be done, he sets off.

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The Origins Of Avinu Malkenu

The Origins Of Avinu Malkenu

Sep 9, 2014 By Judith Hauptman | Short Video | Rosh Hashanah | Yom Kippur

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God Of Mercy, God Of Justice

God Of Mercy, God Of Justice

Sep 9, 2014 By Daniel Nevins | Short Video | Rosh Hashanah | Yom Kippur

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The Potter Loves The Clay

The Potter Loves The Clay

Sep 9, 2014 By Lilly Kaufman | Short Video | Yom Kippur

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The Gift Of Community

The Gift Of Community

Sep 9, 2014 By Joel Alter | Short Video | Yom Kippur

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Humility Toward God, Even in Victory

Humility Toward God, Even in Victory

Jul 17, 2013 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Va'et-hannan

Parashat Va’et-hannan, the second Torah reading of the book of Deuteronomy, places much of its emphasis on the loyal observance of mitzvot, God’s commandments.

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To Speak Is To…

To Speak Is To…

Nov 19, 2011 By Samuel Barth | Commentary | Hayyei Sarah

After the many narratives that explore deeply the life of Abraham and his family, we find in this portion an interlude in which the focus is upon Abraham’s elder servant—not named in our text, but often assumed to be Eliezer (mentioned in Gen. 15:2). Eliezer has been charged by Abraham to find a wife for Isaac—not from the local (Canaanite) population, but from Aram, the place of Abraham’s birth.

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