Postdoctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies

About the Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Gershon Kekst Graduate School of JTS invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in any field of Jewish studies for the 2018–2019 academic year, with the possibility of renewal for the following year. The fellowship provides a stipend of $50,000 per year and faculty benefits, including funds for research and conferences.

The fellow will be expected to teach two courses and to present his/her scholarly research annually both to the JTS faculty and in a public forum. The fellow may not undertake any other sustained teaching or employment during his/her tenure at JTS. Preference may be given to candidates whose research interests correspond to those of faculty and graduate students at JTS, or to those for whom the use of The JTS Library and special collections will be most profitable.


Applicants must have earned the PhD within the past three years. Advanced doctoral students must include a statement from their dissertation supervisor indicating that they will have the PhD in hand by November, 30 2017. Applicants should submit via email:

  • A letter of intent stating how applicant would use the year to further his/her research and scholarly publication.
  • A current CV.
  • Three letters of recommendation, including one that speaks to applicant’s teaching ability.
  • A writing sample, not to exceed 20 pages.
  • A teaching portfolio, including statement of teaching interests, syllabi, and evaluations, as available.  

Applications should be sent to [email protected].