Beverly Bailis

Associate Adjunct Professor of Modern Jewish Literature, JTS


Dr. Beverly Bailis is an associate adjunct professor in Modern Jewish Literature at JTS. She received her PhD in Hebrew Literature from JTS and her MA in Jewish Civilization from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She specializes in modern Hebrew, Jewish literature, and gender studies.

She has taught at Brooklyn College, the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the JCC in Manhattan, and other adult education programs in New York City. She has published in Prooftexts and elsewhere, and one of her most recent articles, “Reading the Poetry of Mahmoud Darwish in the Transnational Classroom” appeared in the volume Teaching the Arab Israeli Conflict in the College Classroom, published by Wayne State Press in 2019.

She is currently a co-editor, along with David Stern, of the forthcoming book American Hebraist: Essays on Modern Hebrew and Jewish Literature and Literary Culture by Alan Mintz. This anthology is in honor of her former dissertation advisor at JTS, Alan Mintz (z”l).