Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is the voice of the women of the Conservative/Masorti Movement. We represent our membership at a wide array of national, international, religious, and social action organizations. We support our network of individual members and 400 affiliates and synagogue women’s groups in the U.S. and Canada through:

  • Innovative programming to educate and activate members of every age
  • Consulting Services to help every affiliate be successful
  • Regional networking with like-minded women
  • Leadership development opportunities


Women’s League International President: Julia Loeb
Torah Fund International Chair: Lori Snow
Torah Fund Vice-Chair, Finance: Marilyn Berkowitz
Torah Fund Vice-Chair, Communications: Shelley Szwalbenest
Canadian Liaison: Randy Schwartz
Special Projects: Marjorie S. Miller

Creating New Spaces: Carol S. Simon
Torah Fund Legacy Society Co-Chair:        Marcia Toppall
Torah Fund Legacy Society Co-Chair:
Donna Burkat
Chadashot Editor: Jodi Beck
Advisor: Lauren Wishnew
Student Liaison, JTS: Sharon Hammerman
Student Liaison, ZSRS: Tobie Rosenberg


BQLI: Barbara Kaplan
Central Great Lakes: Rebecca Goldwasser
Florida: Shula Fleischer
Garden State: Sindy Manas
International Northeast: Adele Weinstein
Intracontinental: Marjorie Schneider
Metro North: Cedine Issman
Mid-Atlantic: Ariana Burrows
North Atlantic: Fern Cohen
North x Northwest: Diane Kahn
Pacific Southwest: Marcy Melton
Seaboard: Ellen Weiss
Southern: Hilary Rosenbaum

For inquiries, email torahfund@jtsa.edu or call the Torah Fund office at 212-678-8876.