A Jewish Doctor in Medieval Spain and His Demon:
The Book of Delight by Joseph Ibn Zabara

By :  Raymond Scheindlin Professor Emeritus of Medieval Hebrew Literature Posted On Jul 25, 2022 / 5782 | Monday Webinar Stories and Storytelling

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Part of the series, “Stories and Storytelling”

Dr. Raymond Scheindlin, Professor Emeritus of Medieval Hebrew Literature  

Joseph, the protagonist of this proto-novel, at the urging of a mysterious companion, undertakes a journey that takes him to the land of the demons. We will read and discuss some of the stories that the travelers tell each other along the way and will attempt to unravel who the mysterious companion actually is. 


Join JTS scholars to explore a selection of stories drawn from across ancient, rabbinic, medieval, and modern Jewish literature. We will consider the power of shared stories, the unique ways in which they transmit values, norms, culture, and information, and how they can bring Jews together across time and space.  


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