Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan (Vol. 2 1934-1941)

By :  Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary Posted On Dec 5, 2016 | Author Conversations: Between the Lines

Kaplan was a compulsive diarist. His journal of twenty seven volumes is one of the longest on record. Communings of the Spirit, volume 2, edited by Dr. Mel Scult, contains in vivid detail the edited selections from 1934-1941. He reacts passionately to the momentous events of the thirties paying particular attention to the rise of Fascism. We meet a host of Jewish notables including Judah Magnes and Martin Buber. In addition the diary allows us to enter the  inner processes of his very creative and radical mind as he continually confronts the problems of Jewish survival in the modern world.