Loneliness as a Spiritual Crisis

By :  Mychal Springer Adjunct Instructor of Professional and Pastoral Skills Posted On Mar 21, 2022 / 5782 | Monday Webinar The Power of Emotion: Judaism and the Inner Life

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Part of the series, The Power of Emotion: Judaism and the Inner Life

With Rabbi Mychal Springer, Manager of Clinical Pastoral Education at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City and Adjunct Professor, JTS.

Though it is possible to be lonely while surrounded by others, the loneliness that has surfaced during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the ways that being alone intensifies loneliness. Rabbi Mychal Springer explores the existential issues related to belonging and abandonment, drawing on Jewish spiritual resources that help foster a loving embrace, divine and human, even when we must carefully balance distance and proximity in the face of contagion. 


Joy. Grief. Anger. Shame. Love. Emotional experience is often at the center of our lives. Join us for sessions that explore perceptions of emotions in Jewish texts and offer surprising and useful insights for understanding the feelings that make up our inner worlds.

View all sessions in the series


This event is generously sponsored by members of the Center for Pastoral Education Advisory Board.

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