Love During the Holocaust

By :  Edna Friedberg JTS Alum (Kekst Graduate School), Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; JTS Fellow Posted On Feb 14, 2022 / 5782 | Monday Webinar The Power of Emotion: Judaism and the Inner Life

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Part of the learning series, The Power of Emotion: Judaism and the Inner Life

The Holocaust was one of the most profound ruptures in Jewish history. And yet, the foundational human emotion of love persisted—and even blossomed—in the most devastating circumstances. Dr. Edna Friedberg explores the varied manifestations of love—romantic, parental, platonic—at a time of terror and loss. Each of these forms of deep affection and connection offered psychological sustenance and sometimes spurred life-saving acts of courage and altruism. The session will draw from primary sources including diaries, oral testimonies, artifacts, and historical photographs.  


Joy. Grief. Anger. Shame. Love. Emotional experience is often at the center of our lives. Join us for sessions that explore perceptions of emotions in Jewish texts and offer surprising and useful insights for understanding the feelings that make up our inner worlds.

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