Mandatory Fun: The Commandment of Joy

By :  Sarah Wolf Assistant Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics Posted On Apr 4, 2022 / 5782 | Monday Webinar The Power of Emotion: Judaism and the Inner Life

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Part of the learning series, The Power of Emotion: Judaism and the Inner Life

Usually we think of the mitzvot, the commandments of Jewish law, as involving specific actions. Yet the Torah also commands us to feel certain emotions, including love for God and joy on the festivals. Dr. Sarah Wolf to explores rabbinic texts that grapple with questions about what fulfillment of such a commandment should look like. Are there actions we ought to do or not do to cultivate joy? How do we balance festival joy with other competing emotions? And how can all this help us understand the role of emotion in Jewish law more broadly?


Joy. Grief. Anger. Shame. Love. Emotional experience is often at the center of our lives. Join us for sessions that explore perceptions of emotions in Jewish texts and offer surprising and useful insights for understanding the feelings that make up our inner worlds.

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