JTS Podcasts

Posted On Jun 13, 2018

The depth and breadth of JTS learning to-go: from in-depth topics to our weekly parashah commentaries and the prophets, reimagined. Subscribe to JTS’s feeds wherever you find your podcasts, or you can stream and download the episodes right here on the website.


The Evolution of Torah

Two seasons of a short-form podcast hosted by Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz. Season 1 follows the first 1000 years of rabbinic literature. Season 2 picks up after the Talmud closes through the Spanish Inquisition, tracking four legal cultures that emerge from distinct geographies.

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Exploring Kabbalah

This short-form podcast hosted by Dr. Eitan Fishbane explored the history of Jewish mysticism from the Bible to to eighteenth century Hasidic practices. The series tracks the development of mystical texts like the Zohar and the centrality of mentor-disciple relationships.

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What Now?

After tragedy, what happens next? How does Jewish tradition help us respond? To put to rest her own years of turmoil, alum Sara Beth Berman interviews faculty members of the Jewish Theological Seminary to finally get some answers. 

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Both/And: 250 Years of Conservative Judaism in 80 Minutes

A mini-series with Chancellor Arnie Eisen. Learn how Conservative Judaism became what it is today in this accessible adaptation of Chancellor Eisen’s semester-long course for JTS students.

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The Voice of the Prophet

Reclaim the message of the prophets for today with the weekly Haftarah portion brought to life in English by renowned actor Ronald Guttman.

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Torah from JTS

JTS’s weekly commentary on parashat hashavua and the holidays, published for over 20 years, is enjoyed by thousands of readers every week. The commentary features select faculty, students, and staff from across JTS.

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JTS Library Book Talks

An ongoing lecture series featuring authors of newly published books. Each episode is a recording of a live event that took place at JTS.

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Change a Story and You Can Change the World

A mini-series with Dr. David G. Roskies. By learning the power of twice-told tales, three restless, rebellious Jews—Rebbe Nahman of Braslav, I. L. Peretz, and I.B. Singer—were reborn as Yiddish storytellers. By returning to fantasy and the live, spoken language of the people, they turned storytelling into an autonomous, highly creative and potentially explosive activity.

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