Remembering the Pandemic: Learning from Yehuda Amichai

By :  Barbara Mann Former Chana Kekst Professor of Jewish Literature Posted On Jun 29, 2020 / 5779 | Monday Webinar Times of Crisis and Possibility

Part of the series, “Times of Crisis and Possibility”

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What will we remember from this pandemic? And how will we preserve and pass down the memory of those we’ve lost to future generations? Through a close reading of Yehuda Amichai’s “And Who Will Remember the Rememberers?”, a poem sequence exploring Israel’s memorialization of 1948, we reflect on the elusiveness of memory, the limits of public forms of memorializing and mourning, and the paradoxical relationship between memory and forgetting.

With Dr. Barbara Mann, Chana Kekst Professor of Jewish Literature, JTS.

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